Monterey Peninsula Art Foundation, Inc.
Membership in MPAF
Membership in MPAF is $25 per year and is open to anyone interested in art whether an artist or not. Each member receives a member page to display artwork on this website which is updated during the first two weeks of January, May and September. Membership in MPAF is not membership in the gallery on Cannery Row, however, your web page on this site does give our board a chance to see your work. As our long-time gallery artists retire, showing spaces become available and new gallery artists are invited in by the MPAF Board. New gallery artists are chosen by their ability and availability to run the shop for one day each month, pay the rental fee (currently $65/month), welcome visitors from around the world, and produce appealing, original artworks. The gallery sales commission is 15%.
To join MPAF complete and submit the form below then mail a check for $25 to:
Monterey Peninsula Art Foundation
Attention: Membership
425 Cannery Row
Monterey, CA 93940
Monterey Peninsula Art Foundation
Attention: Membership
425 Cannery Row
Monterey, CA 93940